Saturday, January 1, 2022

Worker Profile: Ebessan

Medium and Small Business Defender


Height: 170cm

Weight: 90kg

Date of Birth: April 22, 2007

Birthplace: Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, Naniwa Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

Debut: April 22, 2007

Finishing Moves: Ebisu Bottom (Standing side slam), White Garlic Musou (Waist-lift side slam)

Signature Moves: Bridging German suplex, Spinning suisha otoshi

Debuted for Osaka Pro Wrestling as "Ice Penguin". After making his debut, he won a deciding match that chose a candidate to become the third generation of Ebessan. He became the 3rd generation Ebessan.

He likes beer and drinks three cans of beer as a daily routine.

Twitter: @3ebessan

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