Friday, December 31, 2021

Worker Profile: Tigers Mask


Tigers Mask


Height: 172 cm

Weight: 85 kg

Date of Birth: June 1, 1976

Birthplace: Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture

Debut: May 19, 2001

Finishing Moves: Tigers Suplex Hold (Tiger suplex), Mangetsu no Yoru (Japanese for "Night of the Full Moon" - Roundhouse kick to a kneeling opponent, sometimes with a tonfa hidden in his pants)

Signature Moves: Superkick, Tornado DDT, Uranage

Debuted in 2001 for Osaka Pro Wrestling. He eventually became the ace of Osaka Pro Wrestling, until his departure in 2014, sealing away the mask.

He returns as Tigers Mask in 2022.

Twitter: @shaolin27AM

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