Saturday, January 1, 2022

Worker Profile: Ultimate Spider Jr.


The Tricky Hero

Ultimate Spider Jr.

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Date of Birth: March 18, 1984

Birthplace: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

Debut: October 28, 2006

Finishing Moves: Spider Driver (Leg hook sitout suplex slam), Side Spin Flip (Straightjacket swinging leg hook fireman's carry slam) 

Signature Moves: Swanton Bomb (High-angle senton bomb), Spider Pistol (Running dropkick to a cornered opponent)

Debuted in Osaka Pro Wrestling in 2006, and donned a mask three years later, in 2009, to become Ultimate Spider Jr. With his dynamic athleticism, he specializes in matches that are freeflow and unpredictable. You can also call him "USJ" for short.

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