Saturday, January 1, 2022

Worker Profile: Kuishinbo Kamen


The Glutinous Pride of Dotonbori

Kuishinbo Kamen

Height: 182 cm (this includes the yellow pompon)

Weight: kg (fluctuates too much due to overeating)

Date of Birth: August 19, 1975

Birthplace: Tsurugi Town, Mima District, Tokushima Prefecture

Debut: April 29, 1999

Finishing Moves: Kankuu Tornado (Corkscrew moonsault)

Signature Moves: Chocobat (Running falling headbutt drop), Shining Wizard (Step-up enzuigiri to a kneeling opponent)

Debuted when Osaka Pro Wrestling first launched under the name "Kuishinbo Kamen". At first, he didn't speak at all. Despite this, he was still able to captivate the hearts of fans and make them break out into uproarious laughter with his movements alone. In recent years, however, he has shown that he can outperform any other person on the mic.

Instagram: @kuishinbokamen

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