Friday, December 31, 2021

Worker Profile: Tigers Mask


Tigers Mask


Height: 172 cm

Weight: 85 kg

Date of Birth: June 1, 1976

Birthplace: Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture

Debut: May 19, 2001

Finishing Moves: Tigers Suplex Hold (Tiger suplex), Mangetsu no Yoru (Japanese for "Night of the Full Moon" - Roundhouse kick to a kneeling opponent, sometimes with a tonfa hidden in his pants)

Signature Moves: Superkick, Tornado DDT, Uranage

Debuted in 2001 for Osaka Pro Wrestling. He eventually became the ace of Osaka Pro Wrestling, until his departure in 2014, sealing away the mask.

He returns as Tigers Mask in 2022.

Twitter: @shaolin27AM

Worker Profile: Zeus

President of Osaka Pro Wrestling


Height: 181 cm

Weight: 105 kg

Date of Birth: January 27, 1982

Birthplace: Ikuno Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

Debut: November 11, 2006

Finishing Moves: Arm trap facelock, Jackhammer (Vertical suplex powerslam)

Signature Moves: Chokeslam, Biceps Explosion (Lariat)

Introduced in 2006 as a member of the stable "Bad Force". He left the audience awe-inspired by his impressive feats of strength, like bending a frying pan. Less than a month after his debut, he won the Osaka Tag Team Championship and participated in various shows both within Osaka Pro Wrestling and outside of it. In 2015, he joined All Japan Pro Wrestling, and eventually became the Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship, amongst other accolades. In July 2021, he became the president of Osaka Pro Wrestling.

Twitter: @zeusmatsuri


 Hi, everyone! This is the Osaka Pro Wrestling English Fanpage.

We are not affiliated with the official Osaka Pro Wrestling organization, we are merely fans who would like to spread the good word of Osaka Pro's return to the Western and English-speaking fanbases.

We do this out of love for the company and for the hopes that the company will succeed.

More will be added to this blog in due time.

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We look forward to your support!

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